
coffee bean/ machine
Lipton Tea

Lipton Tea


Product detail

Lipton teas, made from real tea leaves, naturally contain protective antioxidants (flavonoid antioxidants).Hydration is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lipton tea is 100% natural. suitable for office ,home or restaurant.

Freight Rate Sheet 
Guangdong :                  1-3 packs: 11-13       4-11 packs: FREE         12 packs + : 12 
+Out of Guangdong :                  1-5 packs: 15          6-11 packs: FREE         12 packs + : 20+

Payment :        

-Wechat, Alipay


-Company : Bank, Alipay

-Bank account transfer       (ATM/Online )

 A Preferential Favor  Discount for those

who each order :

12 packs: 5 % off

24 lbs   :10% off

30lbs : negotiable


- The above offer is excluding VAT (7%  or 9% )

- The above pricing is  

 effective till

 December 31,2021